Authorities consider the gunman in Brussels capturing turned stimulated by means ISIS

Authorities consider the gunman in Brussels capture turned stimulated by means ISIS The assault came about 3 miles from a Belgium qualifying suit for Euro 2024.

Authorities suspect the Tunisian man, accused of killing Swedish soccer fans in a brazen taking pictures in Brussels Monday night time, was possibly stimulated with the aid of ISIS, U.S. Officials briefed at the scenario advised ABC News.



In what Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo known as an “act of terrorism” on Tuesday, the assault took place approximately three miles from the Roi Baudouin stadium, where Belgium was playing Sweden to qualify for the Euro 2024 football event.


Authorities confirmed early Tuesday that 45-year-old Abdesalem Lassoued, the suspected attacker, was shot and killed by means of the police in the neighborhood of Schaerbeek in downtown Brussels the subsequent morning.


According to the initial facts from U.S. Officers, the suspect turned into denied asylum in Belgium in 2019.

They said authorities agreed that the suspect’s cause changed into ISIS-associated based totally on open-supply social media postings.


Officials stated that Lassoued recorded a video of himself speaking approximately focused on Swedish humans and that he performed the attack for ISIS. The probe remains ongoing, U.S. Officials stated.


Following Monday night’s attack, which caused the suspension of the soccer shape, Belgium’s indoors minister introduced stricter border controls alongside Belgian borders while the suspect became nonetheless at big.

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